Action Group
To tackle the global crisis facing kelp forests we need to work at a global scale, and broadly develop and implement solutions. To this end, we have established the global
Green Gravel Action Group.
This international group of researchers will trial Green Gravel restoration in different regions. Together we will communicate research findings and develop general protocols for different kelp species and locations. This will facilitate broad implementation and uptake of the tool.
Wernberg Lab at UWA and SeaForester are co-leading the GGAG. SeaForester's prime focus is on global commercialisation and upscaling of the green gravel technique which is in line with its Blue Front Yard approach to seaforestation. Research institutions, companies and municipalities interested in rolling out seaweed restoration in their regions can partner with SeaForester to secure funding, implement local infrastructure, and establish local partnerships.


Professor of Marine Botany at UWA and a senior researcher at the Norwegian Institute of Marine Research. Thomas's primary interests lie in the ecological interactions in temperate seaweed-dominated habitats such as kelp forests and climate-driven changes to these ecosystems.

Research Fellow at the Norwegian Institute of Marine Research and UWA’s School of Biological Sciences, Karen is a Marine Ecologist studying the drivers and patterns of long-term change in coastal ecosystems. Her expertise centres on carbon cycling by kelp forests and restoration approaches.

Principal Research Scientist with the Department of Primary Industries (DPI) NSW at the National Marine Science Centre. Her current research centres on connectivity and population genetics of habitat forming seaweeds, with a focus
on implications for conservation.

Postdoctoral researcher with the Wernberg Lab at UWA. George works at the intersection of seaweed ecology, genomics and seaweed-associated microbial health for restoration. She has led seaweed restoration projects on the East and West coasts of Australia.

Brayden is a Research Officer for the Wernberg Lab at UWA. He takes care of all admin and organisation of the GGAG. At UWA, he is a key contributor to the field and aquaria components of green gravel.

Pål is founder and CEO of SeaForester. He was born on the Norwegian island of Frøya, and learned about seaweed cultivation while working in Asia. A few years later he moved to Portugal where he also founded Seaweed Energy Solutions, a pioneer in seaweed cultivation in Europe based in Norway.

Jan holds a MSc in Marine Biodiversity and Conservation (EMBC+). Since 2019, he has been working full-time as SeaForester’s Scientific Manager in Portugal where he leads project development and implementation as well as supporting research, communication and fundraising activities.
After completing her MSc at the University of Aveiro, Portugal. Inês joined SeaForester in 2018 where she has acquired hands on experience in seaweed ecology. She leads the coordination of public research funds and supports project development and implementation, communication and fundraising.
João is a marine ecologist at MARE-Leiria, Portugal.He is a researcher in several international marine reforestation projects and was directly involved in the first successful restoration trial using stones in Southern Europe. He leads research and development of Seaforester's restoration actions, from the nurseries to the ocean.